Young people encounter employment problems According to Romania’s country report 2016, the integration of young people into the labour market still remains a challenge. In 2015, youth employment rate decreased to 22%, still above EU’s average. For this reason, Romanian parliamentaries have drafted a law with the purpose to activate companies and public institutions for the integration on the labour market of people who reached the age of 16. Employing trainees brings money from the state The draft law foresees that employers who provide labour contracts for young people who have finalized their internships, on an unlimited basis, receive from the state a grant amounting 1000 eur. Additionally, young trainees have the right to a fee of at least 50% of the minimum wage at country level. Additional employment opportunities for young people. The project is supported by Teleorman county deputies. The draft law is also supported by the Teleorman County deputy, Violeta Radut. “It is a project which I have supported from the stage of debates within the Commission for labour and social protection. The internship is a chance that should bring benefits both for the employer as well as for the trainee. This is why I have voted for the legislative proposal to transform internships into labour contracts with unlimited timeframe. In Romania, 7 out of 10 young people participate in such programmes and I strongly believe that..
Read MoreRecent floods in Teleorman county have seriously affected several families, by destroying their goods and crops, and by killing their house animals. For them, local authorities at county level, through the Red Cross, Teleorman branch, try to collect reliefs as food, hygiene products and functional goods. So far, Teleorman citizens have donated oil, flour, corn flour, tins and personal hygiene products, but any donation is still welcome. They saw the destruction of their lifetime savings Recent floods have created serious damage. Several Teleorman families have experienced the destruction of their lifetime savings. People have lost their goods, crops and animals. Within a couple of hours, several families were seriously affected. Water flew into their houses and destroyed furniture, home appliances, clothes and other goods. Others saw their crops compromised and animals sinked Support for those affected by floods For all those, local authorities have launched an aid campaign, through the Red Cross, Teleorman branch. All good hearted people who wish to support those affected by floods may donate, at the premises of Red Cross in Alexandria, food products (bottled water, oil, sugar, flour, corn flour, rice, canned food, etc.), hygiene products and any other functional goods. So far, Teleorman people made donations, but there are still some more needed. “We kindly ask those who have the possibility and wish to stand by those who are in need, to still support..
Read More105 beneficiaries were registered in 2021 in the programme for supporting the garlic production, on a total area of 124.63 ha, according to the Teleorman Department for Agriculture. Under the scheme “Minimis support for applying the programme for supporting the garlic production”, the call has closed on 15 May 2021, and the production is expected for the period 15.06 – 22.11.2021. For accessing the scheme in 2021, there apply the same conditions as in 2020. The beneficiaries must be certified producers – certified private individuals or companies settled according to the Legislation in force.
Read MoreIn the timeframe 10 May – 31 July 2021, at national level, the General Agricultural Census round 2020 is taking place. Since the start, until 9 July, at the level of Teleorman county, 28.631 out of 59.544 agricultural exploitations were censed, according to Teleorman Agricultural Department. Teleorman County ranks on the 5th place at national level, with a percentage of 48.1% censed exploitations. The General Agricultural Census is a large scale action, that will provide complex information and statistic data for creating an exhaustive picture of structural characteristic of the agricultural exploitations, needed for justifying the agricultural and rural development programmes and policies.
Read MoreAFIR is still receiving applications for investment project in agricultural exploitations, under the NRDP – Measure 4.1. The total available amount, until 25th of January 2022, for investments in vegetal and animal agricultural exploitations amounts 589 millions euro. For simple procurements of agricultural equipment, as well as of equipment for irrigation or draining, no more applications for funding can be submitted, since funds have been absorbed. This component was closed on November 30, 2021, following the fact that the 125 MEUR allocation has been exceeded 3 times. Currently, farmers can still request funds for investment in the conditioning, processing and marketing of the vegetal farm – excluding vegetables and potatoes (11 MEUR available), in the animal farm (81 MEUR available), as well as for vegetables and potatoes (53MEUR available). There are also available 30MEUR for investment in stock raising (primary production, conditioning and marketing) in the mountain area and EUR 326M for the same type of investment at national level. For investments in setting up, extension, modernization in the vegetables sector, including protected areas and potatoes (primary production, conditioning and marketing), interested applicants have available funds amounting EUR 86M. Until 24th of December 2021, the second stage of the project submission session is taking place, where project with scores higher than 50/60 points can be submitted – the monthly quality thresholds for each component are detailed in the Call..
Read MoreThe Government Meeting of 10 December 2021 has approved the Decision for amending art.19 paragraph.(8) of GD nr. 1179/2014 on setting up a state aid scheme in the animal sector. This regulation is establishing an increase of the state aid for the year 2021, from 40 to 70 million lei, which is within the approved limit for the period 2015 – 2022, respectively 759.250.000 lei. Following this amendment, the share of the amounts by species has been also modified, prorated with the amounts requested by the initial annual requests, respectively 30.817.000 lei for bovine, porks and horses and 39.183.000 lei for the species sheeps and goats. Funds shall be provided from the state budget, within the budgetary allocations approved for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for 2021. The state aid scheme has the objective to cover the administrative costs related to the preparation and maintenance of the genealogical register, as well as those related to the tests for determining the genetic quality or the genetic output of the livestock. Aids are provided in the form of subsidy services provided to individual and family companies, authorized persons owning a producer certificate, as well as to legal companies acting in the field of animal growth. The state aid amounts to: a) up to 100% of the administrative costs related to the preparation and maintenance of genealogical registers;b) up to 70 % of the costs..
Read MoreCounty Employment Agency Teleorman is organizing the JOBFAIR on 20 May 2022, starting with 9 o’clock The event is addressed to all categories of jobseeekers or to those who want to do a professional reconversion. The main objective of the Jobfair is to increase the employment rate by correlating the job demand with the offer, and it provides the opportunity for a direct contact between employers and job seekers, ensuring to each part following benefits: For employers: Possibility to select labour force depending on job’s requirements;Checking the compatibility between the offer and candidate’s profile;Ensuring qualified labour force, through professional training programmes provided by AJOFM Teleorman. For job seekers: Possibility to discuss with several companies and to carry out interviews with the view to employment;Receiving information on vacancies;Receiving information on the services provided by AJOFM Teleorman (information, coaching, mediation, professional training programmes. Companies having vacancies and are interested to take part in the event are kindly asked to inform on those vacancies until May19th 2022, to AJOFM Teleorman (Alexandria, Str.Dunarii, nr.1, tel 0247/310155) or to the closest local agency where they are located.
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